Who doesn’t love scrolling through Pinterest looking at all the delicious recipes for freshly baked breads, easy pasta dishes and scrumptious cupcakes? Those tempting treats will make anyone hungry enough to whip a batch up! But there are repercussions and not only for your waistline. There are foods that can wreak havoc on your skin and dull your complexion.
Food fuels the body, a scientific fact. However, the type of fuel you choose can have a huge difference in how it affects your body. Meals that are heavy with carbohydrates and sugars can cause spikes in blood sugar, which will eventually lead to a big drop. The change in blood sugar from one peak to a low can cause your skin to react.
A study done in 2007 showed that there could be a link between blood sugar and skin issues ranging from acne to rashes like psoriasis. White breads, pastas and sugary foods can cause big spikes in insulin leading to skin irritations. If you find that you’re eating large meals a few times a day, this can also impact your skin and create problems. To keep blood sugar even, try eating small meals filled with more veggies and low sugar fruits.
Dairy can also cause skin issues including acne. In 2008, a study conducted by F. William Danby, MD (a skin expert) explained that there could be a connection between the two. Dairy has components related to the hormone testosterone that can stimulate the oil glands leading to acne. That doesn’t mean quitting dairy is the answer but perhaps scaling back could be helpful in clearing up skin.
Gluten can cause issues as well, especially if you have Celiac’s disease. This is a condition when the body is allergic to the protein strain found in wheat based products. Reactions can vary from mild stomach issues to severe allergic reactions. There are the obvious issues with consuming gluten because eating wheat when you are allergic will cause more than just skin irritations. But a minor reaction could just be a rash in which case going gluten free could resolve many of your skin issues.
Milk chocolate is a double whammy, for the high sugar content and the diary products in it. Thankfully for chocolate lovers everywhere, dark chocolate is good for you and your skin, when eaten in moderation. Dark chocolate with over 70% cacao is loaded with antioxidants which can help prevent cancer and make for delicious desserts.
Having skin problems can be challenging enough without adding more to it by eating bad foods. Avoiding copious amounts of bread, pasta, dairy or milk chocolate will help clear up skin issues and make you feel better all around. Should you encounter further skin issues, visit HYPERLINK “http://www.cherylleemd.com/”Cheryl Lee MD for a wide variety of lotions and HYPERLINK “https://cherylleemd.com/collections/kits”skin care systems that can help relieve you of acne, psoriasis or eczema.