Every woman has their quirks when it comes to what is in their bag, from phone chargers to eye liner, safety pins to pocket knives. You never know what a woman might have in her purse so tread with caution. There are five must haves though that every purse wouldn’t be complete without so […]
Metal Allergies + Sensitive Skin
From jewelry to cosmetics, there is always something that can cause irritation, inflammation, or a flare-up of eczema and similar skin conditions. The best thing you can do is educate yourself on what the effects are and if you do have sensitivities, make sure you steer clear of metals like nickel and aluminum. Do you […]
Do’s and Don’ts of Holiday Drinks
The holidays are a time of good cheer, great food, and delicious cocktails all enjoyed with friends and family. Some of the most interesting holiday drinks are delicious concoctions like eggnog martinis and candy cane cocktails, but when you look into the effect alcohol has on your skin, it may leave you shaken and stirred. […]
Synthetic Fragrances and Their Health Effects
Have you ever tasted something that was flavored but didn’t know with what? For example, Italian ice or fruit flavored water… if you didn’t see the label, sometimes it can be hard to discern which fruit it is supposed to be. That’s because it is a man-made, artificial flavor and the same thing is done […]
Skin Care for Hikers: National Hiking Day
Is there anything better than hiking through a pristine trail, listening to mother nature sing her song? Maybe a few things, but hiking as a hobby is incredibly healthy for the mind, body and soul. The only real problem is the havoc the elements can wreak on your skin. There are steps you can take […]
Best Makeup Brushes for Sensitive Skin
Fighting acne as a teenager is one of the hardest battles to win. It makes it doubly worse when you see your friends wear all this great makeup that you can’t because it will cause your skin to flare up. For adults, it’s a challenge too, as the struggle to look professional and pleasing is […]
How to Protect Your Skin from Halloween Makeup
Crisp fall air, children’s laughter, pumpkins glowing, leaves falling and lots of candy spell Halloween! The best costumes usually are the creative ones and tend to involve makeup. The effects are awesome and spooky! But so can the damage done to your skin. Costume makeup weighs heavy on your skin and is loaded with oils. […]
ABC’S Of Skin Cancer
Sunshine and hot days are meant for the beach and lounging by the pool. Everyone loves to have that sun-kissed look, however too much of a good thing can cause problems. Namely, skin cancer. The frustrating part is that most skin cancers are asymptomatic which means you might not know you have something wrong until […]
Exfoliating Your Skin
The world of skin care… walking down an aisle in any cosmetic store and you may feel overwhelmed by the number of skin care products there are from which to choose. Never mind the marketing geniuses who make the bottles look appealing with our favorite colors, flashy designs and even sparkles. But which one is […]
Skin Care Products That Cause Allergic Reactions
There are hundreds of thousands of skin care products on the market today. Do you know what you’re putting on your skin? In an FDA conducted survey, up to 25% of people reported that they had experienced an allergic reaction to at least one beauty care product. Beauty products range from shampoo, soaps, moisturizers, cosmetics, cologne […]