Our bodies recover, replenish and regenerate as we sleep and through the night our skin has an opportunity to really get its glow on. Every woman wants the perfect complexion and to achieve this, a nightly skin care routine is critical. Follow these nightly routine tips and you will find yourself on a path to […]
Skin Care for Hikers: National Hiking Day
Is there anything better than hiking through a pristine trail, listening to mother nature sing her song? Maybe a few things, but hiking as a hobby is incredibly healthy for the mind, body and soul. The only real problem is the havoc the elements can wreak on your skin. There are steps you can take […]
How to Protect Your Skin from Halloween Makeup
Crisp fall air, children’s laughter, pumpkins glowing, leaves falling and lots of candy spell Halloween! The best costumes usually are the creative ones and tend to involve makeup. The effects are awesome and spooky! But so can the damage done to your skin. Costume makeup weighs heavy on your skin and is loaded with oils. […]
How to Care for Childhood Eczema
Every child gets rashes at some point, in one form or another. But when eczema rears its ugly head, all any parent wants is relief for their child’s itching and pain. It is especially challenging for young children because they don’t understand why they shouldn’t scratch. Explaining to a two year old why they can’t […]
Younger Women At Higher Risk Of Getting Skin Cancer
Fashion and pop culture magazines are the benchmark for which young women and teens tend to base their looks. They often ask themselves: do I measure up? Is my hair shiny enough? My lips full enough? Am I tan enough? This last one is of major concern to young women’s health. According to the Melanoma […]
ABC’S Of Skin Cancer
Sunshine and hot days are meant for the beach and lounging by the pool. Everyone loves to have that sun-kissed look, however too much of a good thing can cause problems. Namely, skin cancer. The frustrating part is that most skin cancers are asymptomatic which means you might not know you have something wrong until […]
Why You Should Know What Neomycin Is
Have you ever used antibiotic ointments for a cut or a wound and it actually looks worse the next day? A contact allergy may be the cause. Neomycin, a key ingredient in triple antibiotic ointments available over-the-counter, has gained notoriety as “allergen of the year” in 2010 because of its effects as an allergen to […]
7 Things to Avoid When Combatting Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disorder affecting from 1 to 3 percent of Americans. Scaly and itchy patches of thick skin characterize this autoimmune disease. For some, psoriasis is just an annoying fact of life for those with extreme cases it is torture. You may consider trying home remedies psoriasis, but some of these at-home skin […]
What Is Keratosis Pilaris?
A common disorder of the skin, keratosis pilaris (KP) is characterized by rough epidermal regions and patches of small acne-like bumps that typically appear on the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, and cheeks. These bumps can be white, tan, or red in color. The condition is caused by the keratinization (or cellular “hardening”) of the skin’s […]
Preventing Nickel Allergy
On the blog, we discussed about how much of an impact that it causes in terms of preventing individuals with atopic dermatitis from regaining control of their condition as well as gave helpful tips in preventing nickel allergy! Today I wanted to update readers some information that I recently came across. A study was published […]