Eczema is a family of skin conditions that are characterized by red, intensely itchy patches on the skin that can sometimes turn into blisters. Not everyone who develops eczema will suffer from blisters, but those who do get them need to be particularly aggressive in treating their eczema because the blisters are a sign that […]
Topical Steroid Treatments: Are They Right for You?
Eczema and psoriasis are difficult skin conditions to manage. There are multiple treatment options including the widely-prescribed “topical steroids. The anti-inflammatory type of steroids that come in the form of creams, ointments and lotions. These medications work to reduce itching and to control inflammation, thus helping the user maintain a more comfortable quality of life. […]
Identifying Eczema Triggers & How To Avoid Them
Even the most ordinary things around your home can trigger a flare of your eczema. Irritants and allergens both can make your eczema worse in different ways. First, irritants are chemicals that literally irritate the skin by doing things like removing lipids by physically destroying the skin barrier. An irritant reaction can result in a physical breakdown of […]
9 Celebrities Who Are Itching for Eczema Awareness Month
With roughly 30 million Americans suffering from eczema, it is no surprise that there are celebrities who have been spotted with or have come forth about their own struggle with this itchy, and often aesthetically embarrassing, skin condition. Due to the stigma attached to eczema, the unknowing public who have never been directly affected by […]
The Skeptics Guide to Natural Eczema Treatment
In the medical world, the word natural can mean a plethora of things. Some people imagine a witch doctor deep in the Amazon while others see a new revolution in the medical community fighting against big drug companies. I’m sure you know someone on each side of the extremes: someone who believes strongly in essential […]
4 Common Myths of Eczema Treatment
The internet has almost commoditized information. Anyone can learn anything about any subject. If it’s on the internet it must be true, right? The trick is no longer finding information, but finding the right information. If you have a child who suffers from eczema, you are probably an expert on the disease. The problem is […]
3 Important Steps to Treating Eczema
It’s estimated that about 31.6 million people in the United States populationare affected by eczema, so if you’ve recently been diagnosed with mild to severe eczema, you’re certainly not alone. If you haven’t received an official diagnosis but have been suffering from rough and inflamed patches of skin, then you’ll want to start by seeing […]
12 Celebrities Suffer From Psoriasis
Think that you are alone in combating your psoriasis? Rest assured that you’re not alone. In fact, some 7.5 million Americans suffer from the autoimmune disorder known as psoriasis. Psoriasis can hit you at any time in your life and can be mild, moderate or severe. There are several celebrities who have come forth in […]
The Difference Between Eczema & Psoriasis
Skin rashes are annoying, uncomfortable and unsightly – but worse than that, they can be tricky to diagnose. Learn about the differences between eczema and psoriasis so that you can ask all the right questions when you visit your doctor. Eczema Signs & Symptoms Nearly everyone with eczema experiences an itchy rash, but beyond that, […]
Why You Should Never Pierce Your Baby’s Ears
Recently, we’ve all been introduced to the fact that chronic eczema often stems from an allergy to a mysterious chemical, metal, or molecule to which you or your child is coming in contact. In some studies, up to 70% of children who have chronic eczema have an allergy to one or more chemicals to which they are coming into contact with, in addition […]