The best way to balance your skin barrier pH…and WHY I fell in love with this age-old super ingredient. There are all kinds of products that claim to balance your skin barrier’s pH. But what’s so big about your skin’s pH? And, why is it so important to have an acidic skin barrier pH? Well, […]
Eczema & Olive Oil
Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that has high prevalence throughout the world and is most common seen in children. Parents sometimes find that it can be very difficult to watch their child suffer from this condition, thus leading them to seek medical advice. One age-old recommendation was put to the test and was shown […]
The Good & The Bad News For Those With Eczema
If you or a loved one suffer from eczema, then you’ve probably asked this question: “Will it ever go away?” If you do what we humans do best in this day and age, you Google it, then you will find an answer… and then another answer… and another answer. You will find as many answers as […]
Why Can’t You Wear Your Favorite Jewelry?
Does your skin make it difficult to wear some of your favorite outfits and accessories? Your sensitive skin may be trying to tell you something. For many patients afflicted with atopic eczema, it is an undeniable frustration having to deal with flare-ups from being exposed to even the simplest everyday allergens that others without sensitive […]
The All Natural Approach to Treating Eczema
Looking for an all natural approach to treating your atopic dermatitis, otherwise know as eczema? There are several home remedies and natural treatments to help you be on your way! Let’s take a further look at these below: Vinegar Baths Take a vinegar bath soak to alleviate symptoms! I know I have discussed these in earlier […]
The Difference Between Eczema & Psoriasis
Skin rashes are annoying, uncomfortable and unsightly – but worse than that, they can be tricky to diagnose. Learn about the differences between eczema and psoriasis so that you can ask all the right questions when you visit your doctor. Eczema Signs & Symptoms Nearly everyone with eczema experiences an itchy rash, but beyond that, […]