Do you play the alarm clock game? Sometimes coffee, no matter how strong, just isn’t enough to shake off the sleepiness. Morning routines are hard to change up, but if you’re finding that you are headed to work half asleep, perhaps these tips can help you perk up first thing in the morning.
Exercise or Stretch
There is no better way to get your blood pumping than a light workout. It doesn’t have to be a long one either to knock the cobwebs out of your brain. Set your coffee pot up to brew and go to your living room or any open area and get a little active. Begin with some stretching such as bending at the waist and touching your toes. This send the blood to your brain which can also help wake you up out of your morning stupor. If you spend 10 minutes doing a light stretching and weight routine, you will not only find your body to be stronger at the start of the day but the endorphins released will have you perkier than any cup of coffee.
Drink Lemon Water
It may sound crazy but it works! You can prepare it the night before too, but keep your mix room temperature. This will help get your digestive system rolling first thing as well. Hydration from the water and the citric acid from the lemon will open your senses and kick start your brain. Other benefits of this include having clearer, brighter skin. Make sure you continue to hydrate throughout the day and you will see a big difference in a week or two.
Wash Your Face
If you are a night time shower person, sometimes the morning can be a difficult start without a morning shower. Or perhaps you are running late from hitting the snooze button too many times! Either way, splash some cold water on your face and wash with a good cleanser such as TrueCider Gentle Cleansing Kit. As soon as you finish washing, put on your moisturizer and take a quick step outside. The light dampness of your skin with the fresh air is the equivalent of a jolt of energy to your skin and mind.
What you will notice about all three of these tips is that they ignite your senses. To properly wake up and get your engine revving in the morning, choose activities that liven your sense of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing. Choose activities with secondary benefits for healthy, glowing skin and a stronger, fitter body which will boost your mood no matter how the night before treated you! Visit Cheryl Lee MD.