Acne is painful and can make a person self-conscious of their appearance to others. Whether you are a teen struggling with adolescent acne or an adult trying every skin care cream to eradicate the skin condition, it helps to understand the type of acne from which you suffer. With this knowledge, you can address your specific skin condition and choose the right treatment for it without wasting time and money on ineffective cures. There are three main types of acne: vulgaris, fulminans, and mechanica.
Acne Vulgaris is the most common type of acne and has a large spectrum of severity. I like to think of acne in four different degrees of severity: Acne-prone skin and then mild, moderate or severe acne. Acne-prone skin will get an occasional pimple and an occasional blackhead (also called a comedone). Mild acne includes an occasional red pimple and a few blackheads. Moderate acne has more pink pimples and lots more blackheads and may have white heads too. Severe acne can cause scarring and is associated with cysts under the skin that leave divots as they heal. Severe acne is also accompanied by numerous inflamed, pink pimples, blackheads and whiteheads (also called pustules). Acne-prone skin, mild, moderate or severe acne can affect the face, the chest and or/the back. Each level of severity is also treated differently.
The second type, Acne Fulminans is more specific to adolescent boys and the onset is quick. This acne is typically noticed with nodules on the back and chest area. It can be painful and go hand in hand with other health issues such as joint pain. As if puberty wasn’t rough enough!
Lastly, Acne Mechanica is often found in athletes as it is caused by friction against the skin. The symptoms are similar to a skin rash or burn, with red tiny bumps covering the area affected. Though the acne can also be associated with blackheads and even pink, inflamed lesions, it can often times benefit from skin barrier acidification and proper moisturization, but may also need prescription medications.
No one wants to waste money trying different acne solutions over and over without seeing results. Once you know which type of acne you have, you can treat it accordingly. For acne prone skin, we developed a straightforward facial skin care routine. Our Timeless Trio is a 3-step process to keep your skin clear and your confidence high. Learn more about our TrueCider Cleanser & Serum and our TrueLipids Lotion. Trust me these will become your best friends!