While eczema is a skin condition, it can also affect your mental health and emotional well being. People who experience more moderate to severe flares of atopic dermatitis, have reported suffering from depressive thoughts. In addition, many have people with eczema are embarrassed by their symptoms, so they seclude themselves from group activities, or even, […]
Rosacea Skin Care Routine for Men
Rosacea is a skin condition that affects both men and women. However, men are more likely to develop phymatous rosacea. Phymatous rosacea causes the nose to become swollen and enlarged, making rosacea more aesthetically displeasing and even embarrassing. Men are prone to experiencing swollen and enlarged noses as a symptom of their rosacea. In fact, according to The […]
Beard Care Tips for Manly Men
Manly men grow beards! Well, okay, there is nothing wrong with a clean shaven man. However, many men experience complications with their shaving routines and facial hair growth. Some common concerns, include: acne under the beard, allergic reactions to essential oils and shaving creams, itchy skin and folliculitis. Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles […]
Skin Care Products That Cause Allergic Reactions
There are hundreds of thousands of skin care products on the market today. Do you know what you’re putting on your skin? In an FDA conducted survey, up to 25% of people reported that they had experienced an allergic reaction to at least one beauty care product. Beauty products range from shampoo, soaps, moisturizers, cosmetics, cologne […]
7 Things Your Dermatologist Wants You to Know
Dermatologist’s treat a plethora of skin conditions, including: eczema, rosacea, acne, psoriasis and skin cancer. Some patients visit the office voicing one concern, while others are experiencing multiple skin abnormalities or irritations. There are several things, you can do, that will make your visit run smoothly and help to get to the root of your condition […]
What is the Rosacea Diet?
While there isn’t a universally acknowledged diet for rosacea, avoiding foods that trigger redness, facial flushing and inflammation, might be a good recipe for rosacea. By discovering which foods personally trigger your rosacea, you can eliminate them from your diet and help to reduce facial redness and other symptoms associated with this condition. Facial flushing […]
Eczema Summer Prevention Tips
Summertime is on it’s way and that can spell trouble for people suffering from eczema. The sun can further dry out already irritated skin and the hot climate can cause sweat to exacerbate the condition. Below are a few summer prevention tips for warding off eczema rashes and flares! Sweat: When sweating, take cool showers […]
7 Tips to Soothe Baby Eczema
Most cases of eczema develop in the first five years of life. However, more cases are diagnosed during the first year than any other year, even into adulthood. Dry, skin can present on the face and scalp. This is often referred to as cradle cap. In addition, symptoms often affect the folds of the skin, including the […]
The All Natural Approach to Treating Eczema
Looking for an all natural approach to treating your atopic dermatitis, otherwise know as eczema? There are several home remedies and natural treatments to help you be on your way! Let’s take a further look at these below: Vinegar Baths Take a vinegar bath soak to alleviate symptoms! I know I have discussed these in earlier […]
9 Laundry Tips for Those with Eczema
People with eczematous skin, run the risk of experiencing allergic reactions to laundry detergents, fabric softeners, dryer sheets and certain fabrics. Contact with these allergens can exacerbate the condition. Below are nine laundry tips to help you to avoid this nuisance! Laundry Tips Wash new clothes: There are fabric finishes and dyes that can cause skin […]