We can all feel when our skin isn’t happy. For some of us that means a breakout, for others it means dry spots and itchiness and for some of us it means a less vibrant complexion. It’s easy to recognize these signs but what’s harder is answering the question ‘why?’ Skin pH is a very […]
What Really Causes Diaper Rash?
According to WebMD, most babies will get a diaper rash at some point during infancy. Although several effective treatments exist for diaper rash, preventing this condition by avoiding the causes is the best course of action. Below are some of the common causes of diaper rash. Infrequent Diaper Changes Because urine and stool can both […]
What Does Hypoallergenic Mean?
If you’ve ever dealt with atopic eczema personally, then you can probably relate to being told repeatedly, “Avoid this” or “don’t use that!” You’ve taken the time to look at what you buy and made sure that every single product you ever put on your skin is “hypoallergenic”. Despite your efforts to follow doctor’s orders, […]
What’s BACNE and What You Need to do to Fight It
Just when you have the blemishes on your face under control, your back decides to take its turn. Will we ever win?! Not to worry, we’re here to tell you exactly how to handle your bacne and what causes it. Breakouts on your back are largely due to the pores getting clogged from either sweat […]
Antioxidants & Your Skin – What Is Important
Want to know which anti-aging ingredient should be number one on your list? You’ve come to the right place! Antioxidants don’t get enough praise, they sort of get pushed aside to make space for more trendy ingredients. The truth is, antioxidants are one of the most powerful anti-ageing ingredients around. In order to understand why […]
Acne & Stress…Are They Related?
We’ve all been there, the day before a huge presentation or event a rather large and pustular-looking breakout decides to set up camp on your face. You’ve been stressing about this particular day for weeks, why does your skin have to choose now of all times to let loose? If you suffer from other skin […]
How to Look Your Best Even When You’re Tired
Between work, your kids’ sports, your social life, and all the other things that keep you busy in life (including binge watching your favorite Netflix show), it’s a wonder anyone gets a full night’s sleep anymore. The worst is when you need to look your best but after several days of 5 hours of sleep […]
What is Microdermabrasion and Is It Right For You?
Chemical peels, facials, botox, and facelifts…Oh my! There are so many ways we try and maintain a youthful, glowing complexion today that we can sometimes do more harm than good. But there are ways, such as a consistent, daily skin regimen and a few other potentially helpful procedures such as microdermabrasion that can bring the […]
Different Types of Acne and What To Do
Acne is painful and can make a person self-conscious of their appearance to others. Whether you are a teen struggling with adolescent acne or an adult trying every skin care cream to eradicate the skin condition, it helps to understand the type of acne from which you suffer. With this knowledge, you can address your […]
Cracked Hands and Feet? Prevent and Cure Them Now!
Pain and itching are the worst parts of having dry, cracked skin. When socks feel rough on your feet or your hands sting anytime you wash and dry them, it is time to search out a cure. However, it is just as important to know what causes cracked hands and feet so that you can […]