Rosy red cheeks may look cute on a little kid, but if you’re an adult suffering from rosacea, you are less likely to find them amusing. Medical science has yet to pin down an exact cause of rosacea or come up with a definitive rosacea cure but there are many possible factors that are believed […]
The Difference Between Eczema & Psoriasis
Skin rashes are annoying, uncomfortable and unsightly – but worse than that, they can be tricky to diagnose. Learn about the differences between eczema and psoriasis so that you can ask all the right questions when you visit your doctor. Eczema Signs & Symptoms Nearly everyone with eczema experiences an itchy rash, but beyond that, […]
Why You Should Never Pierce Your Baby’s Ears
Recently, we’ve all been introduced to the fact that chronic eczema often stems from an allergy to a mysterious chemical, metal, or molecule to which you or your child is coming in contact. In some studies, up to 70% of children who have chronic eczema have an allergy to one or more chemicals to which they are coming into contact with, in addition […]
Top 10 Cracked Heels Home Remedies
Dry feet and cracked heels can be uncomfortable, embarrassing and even painful. So what causes dry cracked heels? There are several factors that cause this epidemic such as: soaps that dry out your skin, plain old drying of the skin—which is made worse if you don’t wear socks on cement or hard wood floors, cold […]