Living with atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, can become overwhelming and even challenging. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made in order to manage the condition including possible dietary restrictions, prevention of allergen exposure and you may even have to adjust how you shower. This article will explore the three factors you need to consider […]
The ABC’s of Baby Eczema
The most common form of eczema is called atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis usually presents during infancy, but can occasionally present in adulthood. While it has often been thought that most children outgrow eczema, a recent study showed that the vast majority of people who have atopic dermatitis will still have symptoms at least six months out […]
Eating for Eczema
Ever hear the saying you are what you eat? Of course you have. In this high speed age that often lacks patience, it can become convenient to grab food on the go rather than preparing more sensible meals at home. When you have a health issue, such as eczema, there are several reasons why that lifestyle […]
The Un-Luck of the Irish?
In this Saint Patrick’s Day, special edition post, we are going to take a look at fair skinned, Irish and redhead skin problems. While these issues are common in fair skinned populations, they are not exclusive to them. Meaning, anyone can develop these skin conditions. When you have fair skin you are more susceptible to […]
5 Anti-Itch Eczema Natural Remedies
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a dry, itchy skin condition that is characterized by inflammation, redness and can sometimes become crusty and ooze. It is not fun and the more you itch the more likely you will be to scratch…. which can lead to more severe conditions such as infection. Below are a few […]
Be Aware: Infection Associated with Eczema
If you have already been diagnosed with eczema, you know the irritations of the red, inflamed, itchy and excessively dry skin that the condition causes. Unfortunately, your concern doesn’t stop there. Patient’s who have been diagnosed with dermatitis need to be aware of infections and take preventive measures that are necessary for warding them off. One […]
What In Your House is Causing Your Eczema?
Eczema is a long term, possibly life long, skin condition that is dry and itchy. The most common form of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis. It often results from being in contact with an allergen, so naturally, it benefits you to be aware of indoor allergens that can trigger your condition and take the […]
The Root of Scalp Eczema
The scalp is one of the most common places for eczema to present itself. Eczema is a dry, skin condition characterized by inflammation and an extreme itching sensation. The most common type of scalp eczema is also known as Seborrheic Dermatitis. One of it’s symptoms includes flakes known as dandruff. It can be difficult to diagnose […]
What is the Psoriasis Diet?
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that is characterized by it’s inflammation and it’s dry, itchy plaques or patches of skin. We see these plaques form when their is an excessive amount of skin cells built up on it’s surface. Often times it can be scaly and produce silver colored flakes. It affects roughly, 7.5 million […]
3 Ways to Avoid Depression Associated with Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that affects roughly, 7.5 million Americans currently. It commonly presents itself with dry, itchy plaques on your skin’s surface, that can sometimes be scaly and produce silver flakes. While there are many elements that can trigger flares including: hereditary predisposition, environmental factors and mood changes, there is no known cause of […]