In the world of commercial skin care products, it’s hard to differentiate the helpful from the harmful. Many ingredients can improve the look of your skin in the short run, but can cause damage if used over a long period of time. A quick Google search for common skin cream additives like parabens and phthalates reveals some scary results. Some of these ingredients are even carcinogenic. Leave those bottles on the shelf and learn three reasons why natural, vegan ingredients make the best skin care products:
1. Protection Against UV Damage
In general, the closer an ingredient is to its natural state, the healthier it is for human use. Instead of a long list of chemical compounds and artificial preservatives, vegan skin care products are made from healthful ingredients like white tea, fruit and vegetable extracts and other natural components. For example, resveratrol, an extract from wine and grape skins, has been shown to contain antioxidant properties and help protect against UV damage. If you shop for vegan skin care products online, you’ll find many websites that help you learn about your skin profile. This helps you choose the best skin care products tailored to you.
2. Anti-Aging Benefits
Another rule of thumb is that the fewer the ingredients, the healthier the product. Simple, clean ingredients like soy and green tea provide anti-aging benefits and vitamin nourishment.
Many artificial skin care products contain a significant amount of water and chemicals that require harsh preservatives to remain stable. These preservatives can cause our skin to age prematurely and can lead to other skin ailments. Now, that doesn’t mean all preservatives are harmful. When used in conjunction with other natural ingredients, natural vegan oils prolong the life of skin care products without taking a toll on our skin.
3. Dry Skin Treatment
Argan oil helps reduce eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin. Other helpful oils include safflower, avocado, coconut, olive and evening primrose. In a study of patients with sensitive skin, rhodiola extract, a.k.a “golden root,” was shown to reduce dryness and sensitivity. Pomegranate, tea and coffee bean extracts also contain moisturizing properties.